Thursday, December 9, 2010

Test Today

Enter today's weather data onto you test.  Add the proper units for each.  Use today's and yesterday's data to answer the questions

Hi 26 __
Low 10 __
Air pressure: 1016 __
Humidity: 85 __
Dew Point 3 __

 When you have finished the test hand it in on the front table.  Then take out your laptop and choose one article to read answer the questions.

Eclipse Article 
When is the next lunar eclipse?
What part of the world can not see the next eclipse?

Ten Freaky Forces of Nature
Which of these forces could happen in Maine?
Which of these forces was the strangest to you?  Why?

Making Clouds with Lasers
How did scientists come up with this idea?
According to the article, why do scientists want to make clouds?

Another Winter of Extremes 
According to this article, what kind of weather should Maine expect this winter?