Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Interpret Data

Today you will use data you have collected in you journals to create 2 graphs and interpret the data.

Graph 1: Air Pressure
  • Create a data table with 5 pressure reading and the dates they occurred
  • On the X axis (bottom line) label the dates
  • On the Y axis label the pressure readings. Start at 980 millibars and increase by 10 millibars unit you reach 1040 
Graph 1 Questions
1. On What date do you expect to have the nicest weather? 
2. On what date do you expect to have the stormiest weather?

Graph 2: Low Temperature
  • Create a  data table with 5 low temps and the dates they occurred
  • Create a line graph with this data
  • Label your X and Y axis.  Don't forget UNITS
Graph 2:  Questions
1. How many days were below freezing, below 32 F?