Today we are going to track Hurricane Katrina as the storm moves west across the Atlantic. We will track the intensity of the storm and well as were it will make landfall. We must warn the communities where Katrina may hit by issuing Hurricane Warnings and/or Hurricane Watches.
STEP 1. Use the websites below to find the definitions of these terms.
- Hurricane Warning
- Hurricane Watch
- Landfall
- Latitude
- Longitude
NOAA Glossary
STEP 2: Track Hurricane Katrina. Use the latitude and longitude coordinates to track the storm's movements. Latitude coordinates are located on the right side of the map and longitude coordinates are on the bottom of the map. We also need to represent the intensity of Katrina. Use colored pencils to represent what category Katrina is at each location.
Blue Tropical Depression
Green Tropical Storm
Pink Category 1 and 2
Orange Category 3
Red Category 4 and 5 STEP 3: Issuing warnings and watches. We must warn the people in the storm's path so that they are prepared.
- Miami is near Katrina's path. When would you issue a watch and when would you issue a warning for Miami?
- When would you issue a watch and when would you issue a warning for New Orleans?
- Which is more sever a Hurricane Warning or a Hurricane Watch, why?
- Besides hurricane warnings and watches, describe at least 2 ways communities can be prepared for hurricanes.