Monday, October 4, 2010

Hurricane Tracker Project: Due Oct. 20th

Name:                                    Block:
Hurricane Tracker
Due Oct 20th

Name of Hurricane:     

A Hurricane forms somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean and is heading toward the east coast of the USA.  How did it form? Where will it strike?  How bad will the damage be? Should people evacuate?

Your job as a Hurricane Tracker is to follow a historic hurricane from where it forms in the Atlantic to where it makes landfall.  You must inform the public about all aspects of this potentially deadly storm.  You will create a 5 min presentation in either iMovie or Keynote. 

General hurricane info:
◊    How a hurricane forms
      o     Discuss high and low pressure systems
      o     Include the nine steps of hurricane formation
◊    Parts of a hurricane

Your historic hurricane:
◊    Track the path of the hurricane    
      o    Create a map with at least five points including origin, landfall, and termination (finished)
◊    Dates: formed, hit land, and finished
◊    Classification of hurricane when it hit land
◊    Damage it caused

You will choose from a list of hurricanes whose names have been retired.  Using internet sources and class work, you will collect information about your historic hurricane.  You must cite all your internet sources.  This will be in the form of a list of the site names or the URL. You must use at least 4 internet sites.  One of those can be Wikipeda. 

You can either type or record your voice to add information for the points above.  You can include your work with hurricane formation and hurricane anatomy that we will work on in class. Below is a list of internet sites to get you started.