Thursday, May 5, 2011

Human Foot Print Response

The focus of the Human Footprint video is on the consumption by the average US citizen.  You will write a response to the video that will be a minimum of 250 words.

Part 1 Consumption:
·      What does it mean to be a consumer? 
·      How are you a global consumer?  Use two items from the video that are made from global resources.
·      What does it mean to be a responsible consumer?

Part 2:  Big Resources
·      Compare US vs. World consumption of goods/resources
o    Use CO2 production and two other facts from the video
o    How does the average US person compare to similar countries like Canada or England.
o     How do we compare to countries that are less similar?

Part 3: Your Choices
·      Write about some things you can do as a teenage consumer that can lessen your global footprint.