Sunday, March 13, 2011

Current Event Articles: March 14

Here are the articles for the week of March 14th.  Choose one of the articles to read.
Remember each current event should contain the following
Heading: Name, block, date
Citation: Author (last name, first name), Title (in quotes), name of journal/newspaper/publication (underlined), and date the article was written
Summary: 60-100 word summary, summarize key points found in the article
Response: Add your opinion on the article.  What did you find interesting or not interesting?  Did the information in the article impact your life?
4 Questions:  Write questions that came up for you while you read the article.  These are not questions answered in the article and you do not need to answer them.

Choose one article:
Japan Tsunami
Sea Change
Moonquake March 16th
Google Person Finder