Thursday, April 28, 2011

Land Resources

Earth: Apple of My Eye

We used an apple to represent our planet

Habitable = Livable
Arable = Where we can grow food

3/4 covered in water
1/4 Land
1/8 Uninhabitable and Non-Arable Land
1/8 Habitable
3/32 Habitable, but Non-Arable Land
1/32 Arable
1/32 Peel Topsoil

Energy Resources

Our last unit will be on resources and energy.

Here is a run down of where the USA gets its energy

40% Petroleum (oil)
24% Coal
23% Natural Gas
8.4% Nuclear
7.3% renewable sources
Electricity and Transportation is are the biggest uses of energy in the US

50% Coal
20% Nuclear
7% Hydroelectric
4% Natural Gas
1.3% Biomass
0.7% Wind
0.1% Solar

Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011